The Lakeside Title team has lots to be thankful for. We recently opened a new office in Rockville and our great customers and friends have kept us plenty busy. We love that you come to this blog to read the latest real estate trends and marketing tips from our team.
However, we wanted to take a break from that and offer some tips for anyone who is tasked with hosting the family (and friends) gathering at the end of the month. Lots of us know that as the day inches closer the stress surrounding hosting Thanksgiving dinner does, too. Just like you trust us to guide your real estate transaction to the finish line without issue, Lakeside Title wants to help you navigate the holiday, too.
Most of the time you’re so worried about having the perfect Thanksgiving that you aren’t able to enjoy it with the people you are thankful for…and that’s what the day is all about. We’re here to give you some tips to make this year’s Thanksgiving the best one yet.
Cleaning? Don’t wait, do it now!
Cleaning the entire house is probably one of the scariest things about Thanksgiving…especially that one room that hasn’t been cleaned in months. Yikes! There’s no need to cram all the cleaning in one day. Every day leading up to Thanksgiving, choose one room to clean. By breaking the cleaning up into chunks, what at first seemed like an unbearable task is now manageable. By the time Thanksgiving rolls around, your house will be spotless, and you saved yourself trying to fit a week’s worth of cleaning into one day.
Don’t feel bad asking for help – and if you’re a guest, bring a dish.
When hosting Thanksgiving, many feel obligated to do all the cooking, as well. This creates a lot of pressure to make the perfect food and prepare it all in time for dinner. Let’s not forget about the most stressful dish… the turkey. There is no way you can enjoy friends and family if you’re stuck in the kitchen all day running around like a turkey with his head cut off (too soon?). Having everyone who’s attending bring one dish is a great way to reduce stress. It’s also fun to see what everyone brought and try new dishes. Here are some tasty sides to help make it even easier!
Go old school when it comes to the activities.
One way to have a memorable Thanksgiving is having some games to play while waiting for the big feast. It’s a great time to unwind and get to spend the day with the people you love. Board games are a classic and will definitely spark a little friendly competition among the fam. To make it even more special, have everyone attending write down three things they’re thankful for. At the dinner table, everyone shares. This heartwarming activity always puts a smile on everyone’s faces and reminds us we have so much to be thankful for.
While there is a lot of work that goes into Thanksgiving, at the end of the day, we’re surrounded by friends, neighbors, and family; that makes it all worth it. We know the last two years have been anything but stress-free, but our entire team wishes you a great holiday season. Thank you for being part of the Lakeside Title story.